Diagnostic possibilities of video-electroencephalographyand amplitude-integrated electroencephalographyduring early life

The main aim in managing sick newborns is to prevent or at least to minimize brain injury and to establish optimal neuro-developmental outcome. Electroencephalography (EEG) which reflects brain electrical activity, is regarded as the most reliable tool in recognition of possible central nervous system dysfunction (e. g. seizures) and in predicting outcome. The best surveillance of a neonate and young infant can be achieved by continuous functional monitoring, but long term EEG has limited availability in many centres and requires interpretation by a skilled paediatric electroencepahlographist. Therefore, amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) is a technique for simplified EEG monitoring which has an increasing clinical potential in neonatal intensive care. The article presents literature data as well as our own experience with diagnostic possibilities of both, standard (digitalized and video-assisted) EEG as well as aEEG and stresses the importance of using new generation machines that incorporate, along with aEEG signal, also a display of raw EEG for better seizure detection.
Category: Review
Volume: Vol. 52, No 3, july - september 2008
Authors: D. Neubauer, D. Osredkar, D. Paro-Panjan, M. Derganc
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