Normal psycho-motor development – a precondition for successful feeding

The development of feeding skills is mostly a complex process influenced by multiple anatomic, neurophysiological, environmental, social and cultural factors. Most children negotiate this without significant difficulties. But, some of them have difficulties, especially neurologically impaired children. Structural integrity is essential to the development of normal feeding and swallowing skills. Normal infant feeding is reflexive, under brainstem control, and does not require suprabulbar input. As feeding development progresses, basic brainstem - mediated responses come under voluntary control through the process of "encephalisation". Feeding development is a learned progression of behaviours. This is influenced by oral sensation, fine and gross motor development, experiential opportunities, individual temperament, interpersonal relationships, environmental influences and culture. The main goals of feeding are the child s optimal growth and development
Category: Review
Volume: Vol. 46, No 2, april - june 2002
Authors: V. Đuranović, V. Mejaški-Bošnjak, B. Marušić-Della Marina, L. Lujić
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