Parenting/caregiving, children and family – clinical approach
Every child that is born into this world lives in a unique social environment consisting of interpersonal relationships, particularly within the context of family. Appropriate parenting/caregiving and partnership in a family is characterized by good cooperation of partners; open and direct communication, with clear and sincere non-verbal expressions; continuity and coherence in relationships; and strength, but also fl exibility, of the family system as a whole. In the literature, there are various models of family assessment, each depending upon theoretical direction of the individual models. Integration of various psychodynamic, systemic and cognitive behavioural models and therapy is essential. In practice, it is important for healthcare professionals such as child and adolescent psychiatrists, paediatricians and other experts to focus on the progressive tendencies of the family as a whole and off er support to parents/caregivers. Key words: PARENTS; CAREGIVERS; CHILD; FAMILY; ASSESSMENTKeywords:
Category: Review
Volume: Vol. 64, No 2, april - june 2020
Authors: Ivan Begovac, Gordan Majić, Mara Tripković, Silvana Pleština
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2020;64:123-7