Developmental dysplasia of the hip: prevention and conservative treatment in children aged 1-6 months

Secondary prevention of developmental dysplasia of the hip is aimed at early diagnosis through application of the most effective screening methods, and initiating optimal treatment as soon as possible. Applying either selective or universal screening depends onthe incidence and costs of screening in the healthcare system of each individual country. The aim of conservative treatment of development aldysplasia of the hip is geared towards obtaining and maintaining concentric reduction of the hip joint, stopping pathophysiologicalprocesses, guiding growth in a normal morphological-anatomic direction, and preventing treatment complications,i.e. avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Early treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip prevents adolescent hip arthrosisand early disability. Different types of orthoses are used in conservative treatment; their function is to maintain stable reduction ofthe hip joint in the standard protected position. Physical therapy is important for obtaining normal mobility of the hip when there islimited hip motion, particularly in the presence of unilateral adductor contracture, which would prevent stable retention upon concentricreduction of the hip.Key words: HIP DISLOCATION, DEVELOPMENTAL – diagnosis, preve tion and control, therapy
Category: -> Uncategorised
Volume: Vol. 63, No 2, april - june 2019
Authors: Ozren Vrdoljak, Dinko Kolarić, Javor Vrdoljak
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2019;63:71-4

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