HPV vaccination in the Republic of Croatia
Availability of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has off ered the possibility of cancer protection in adulthood for many generationsof young people. In Croatia, HPV vaccine was fi rst registered in 2007. Croatian Association for School and University Medicineconducted online survey among school medicine specialists in 2016. Survey results showed a variety of experience in organizing andimplementing HPV vaccination, as well as diff erent vaccine coverage. Parental concerns about HPV vaccination are numerous, butsurveys and experience suggest that most common are suspecting vaccine safety, questioning vaccine effi ciency, relating riskysexual behavior to vaccination, and unaccustomed concept of vaccination in Croatia. Although HPV vaccination has been introducedin Croatia for over a decade now, it remains a challenge for health professionals regarding informing and educating parents,children and youth on the possibilities and importance of HPV prevention by vaccination.Keywords: human papillomavirus, vaccination, coverage
Category: Sponsored article
Volume: Vol. 62, No 1, january - march 2018
Authors: Marija Posavec
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2018;62:48-52
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13112/PC.2018.8