Kartagener syndrome – a very rare cause of neonatal respiratory distress
We report on a newborn with respiratory distress and situs viscerum inversus totalis. Kartagener syndrome was suspected because of respiratory distress, oxygen dependence, atelectasis, thick nasal mucus, productive cough and situs viscerum totalis. The diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia was confi rmed by electron microscopy. We suggest that, despite its rarity, primary ciliary dyskinesia should be considered in any newborn with unexplained respiratory distress. Also, we emphasize the diagnostic role of thick nasal mucus and productive cough, both very rarely seen in neonates. Early diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia may allow for early initiation of physiotherapy and multidisciplinary care, in order to preserve lung function in this genetic disease as long as possible. To our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of Kartagener syndrome diagnosed in a newborn in Croatia.Keywords: infant, newborn; Kartagener syndrome; respiratory distress syndrome, newborn
Category: Case report
Volume: Vol. 59, No 1, january - march 2015
Authors: R. Ribičić, J. Borošak, T. Baudoin, S. Bulimbašić, T. Ribičić, I. Mihatov Štefanović, J. Tumbri, L. Mihovilović Prajz
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2015;59:48-50
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13112/PC.2015.9