Urethrovaginal reflux: case report

The aim of this article is to draw attention to urethrovaginal reflux as a possible and quite common cause of daily incontinence in school-age girls. Our patient was a nine-year-old girl with recurrent vulvitis, recurrent bacteriuria and daily incontinence. Until defi nitive diagnosis had been established, she was treated with oral antibiotics and local antimycotics. Kidney and bladder ultrasound and urofl ow were normal. Second ultrasound showed the bladder occupied with a retrovesical tubular structure of 4.8x2.6x6.8 cm that matched to the vagina. After voiding, the structure was not evacuated. Applying abdominal pressure, there was fl ow of the urine in spite of the empty bladder. This fi nding pointed to urethrovaginal reflux. Magnetic resonance was performed to exclude the possibility of vesicovaginal fi stula and to confi rm the diagnosis of urethrovaginal reflux.

Keywords: child; urinary incontinence; vulvitis; vesico-ureteral reflux
Category: Case report
Volume: Vol. 58, No 1, january-March 2014
Authors: Banožić Lj., Roić G., Šimić Klarić A., Drkulec V., Cvitković Roić A.
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2014;58:59-62
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13112/PC.2014.11

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