The role of pulsoximetry simulator during paramedic student pediatric resuscitation examination

One of the most important aspects of advanced life support training is proper simulation. Our work group has built a pulsoximetry simulator, which can assist our students’ decisions. Paramedic students’ patient assessment tasks were explored during pediatric resuscitation examinations. The main question was how the pulsoximetry simulator can aff ect our students’ patient assessment procedures in a simulated pediatric resuscitation situation. Cross section survey was conducted among 87 bachelor paramedic students. Patient assessment tasks were investigated during their resuscitation examination with checklists. The students were divided into two groups. The fi rst group was off ered a pulsoximetry simulator for the scenario. The other part of students had only verbal information about oxygen saturation and peripheral pulse. More students of those who had pulsoximetry simulator examined airway (p=0.046) and measured oxygen saturation (p=0.002) compared to those who had to ask the facilitator for information on oxygen saturation. In conclusion, pulsoximetry simulator can aff ect students’ performance in patient assessment during simulated pediatric resuscitation situation.

Keywords: education; patient outcome assessment; oximetry; resuscitation; patient simulation
Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 58, No 1, january-March 2014
Authors: Marton J., Máté O., Pék E., Nagy G., Deutsch K., Radnai B., Betlehem J.
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2014;58:18-24

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