Neurodevelopment outcome in newborns with perinatal risk factors at primary pediatric practice
The aim is to present the importance of the project entitled Registration and Follow up of Neurorisk Children at Primary Pediatric Practice on the children’s neurodevelopment outcome at the age of 12 months. Designed on the model of the Risk Children Registry, the protocol of recording and monitoring of newborns has been established at the primary pediatric practice, a private health institution for gynecology and pediatrics in Sanski Most. Using the protocol, 274 newborns of diff erent age were monitored prospectively over a 7-year period. The group of children with neurorisk factors had been monitored during the fi rst 12 months of life, when evaluation of their neurodevelopment was done. The sources of information were the children’s medical records, hospital discharge lists, developmental and medical history questionnaires and tables. Control group consisted of children from the same region not included in the neurodevelopment project at the age of 12 months. Neurodevelopment has been evaluated by the Munich Functional Scale at the age of 12 months; χ2-test and contingency coeffi cient were used on statistical analysis. At age of 12 months, slowed neurodevelopment was in recorded in 11/203 (5.42%) and pathologic neurodevelopment in 5/203 (2.46%) study group children. At the same age (12 months), slowed neurodevelopment was recorded in 10/65 (15.38%) and pathologic neurodevelopment in 13/65 (20%) control group children. Statistically signifi cant diff erences in neurodevelopment outcome were found for children with 3 or more risk factors as well as between the two groups. In conclusion, the protocol guided children had better neurodevelopment, which points to the importance of introducing the neurorisk children registry and respective pediatrician’s monitoring.Keywords: infant, newborn; registries
Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 57, No 2, april - june 2013
Authors: Karabeg E., Ćatibušić-Hadžagić F., Karabeg E.
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2013;57:123-8