Incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip in premature newborns

Developmental dysplasia of the hip is a developmental, dynamic process the course and final outcome of which depend on the time of diagnosis and thus enabled treatment initiation. The basic etiologic moment of developmental dysplasia of the hip has not yet been fully defined, thus the only possible prevention is timely detection and early treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip in premature newborns, and to find out whether this group is at a risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip and should they be included in nonselective screening. At University Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Zagreb University Hospital Center, ultrasonographic examinations by measures of Graf were performed in 336 premature newborns (91.3% of all premature infants born during the study period) during one-year period (from October 2005 till September 2006). The incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip in the study group was 10.1%. Physiological immature type IIa+ hips were recorded in 30 (8.9%) and dysplastic hips type IIc/IId without clinical signs of instability of the hip in 4 (1.2%) premature infants. There was no type III (subluxation) or IV (luxation) abnormal finding. Based on the study results, it is concluded that premature newborns are at a risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip and should be included in nonselective screening.

Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 56, No 3, july - september 2012
Authors: V. Vukelić, A. Čolić, O. Vrdoljak, E. Juretić, S. Gverić Ahmetašević, J. Vrdoljak, I. Kuliš
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