Neurological symptoms in children caused by isolated sphenoid sinusitis
Isolated sphenoid sinusitis in children presents with a broad spectrum of neurological symptoms. As a consequence, orbital and intracranial complications can occur because of the proximity to the eyes and brain. Our patient was admitted to the hospital due to occipital headache that started two weeks before and meningism in the absence of fever. Blood tests and funduscopy were normal. Magnetic resonance scan revealed isolated left sphenoid sinusitis. Centrotemporal focal slowing was recorded on electroencephalogram. After a few days of antibiotic therapy, all symptoms disappeared. Electroencephalographic focal changes vanished within a month. Acute sphenoid sinusitis is a potentially devastating, but curable condition. It should be considered in differential diagnosis of headache and other unclear neurological symptoms.Keywords: NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS; CHILD; SPHENOID SINUSITIS – complications, diagnosis, drug therapy
Category: Case report
Volume: Vol. 56, No 1, january - march 2012
Authors: A. Šimić Klarić, H. Tesari, M. Tomić Rajić, N. Gotovac, Z. Kolundžić, V. Drkulec
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