Characteristics of rotavirus nosocomial infections in a children’s hospital

This retrospective study was carried out at Zagreb University Children’s Hospital, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center during a two-year period (November 1, 2008 to October 31, 2010) in order to determine the incidence and characteristics of rotavirus nosocomial infections in a children’s hospital. Data on 98 children who clinically presented rotavirus gastroenteritis at least 48 hours after admission to the hospital were analyzed. Chromatographic immunoassay Rotavirus and Adenovirus VIKIA (bioMerieux) was used on virus detection. The incidence of rotavirus nosocomial infections calculated for all hospital admissions during the study period was 0.4%. Infants younger than two years acquired rotavirus infection more often (P<0.001). Infections were more often detected at pediatric departments than on other hospital wards (P<0.001). The mean duration of hospitalization before the infection was 7.2 days. All 98 (100%) patients had diarrhea, 48 (49%) had vomiting and 28 (28.6%) fever. The mean duration of clinical symptoms was 4.3 days. Significantly more frequent infections were detected in the first three months of the year (P<0.001). More intensive infection control measures should be taken in order to reduce nosocomial rotavirus infection, especially on infant wards during winter period.

Keywords: CHILD, PRESCHOOL; HOSPITALIZATION – statistics and numerical data; HOSPITALS, PEDIATRIC; INCIDENCE; LENGTH OF STAY – statictis and numerical data; RETROSPECTIVE STUDIES; ROTAVIRUS INFECTIONS – diagnosis, epidemiology, therapy, virology; SEASONS
Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 56, No 1, january - march 2012
Authors: A. Lukić-Grlić, I. Hojsak, V. Zahariev, L. Istanbuli, J. Grbavac
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