Seizure recurrence and epilepsy after the first unprovoked seizure: retrospective analysis in hospitalized patients
The unprovoked epileptic seizure is considered to be one with no cause, which excludes seizures connected with acute infections, traumas, central nervous system haemorrhages or metabolic disorders (disorders of the homeostasis-acidosis, hypoglicaemia, electrolyte dysbalance). The decision whether to treat the first unprovoked epileptic seizure, the risk of repeated seizure or development into epilepsy in children and young adolescents may be found in the instructions based on evidence. Analysis of the evidence based data points out that a number of children will have another seizure in a certain time period or will develop epilepsy regardless of antiepileptic drug therapy; therefore, a decision to start therapy has to be made on an individual basis. The retrospective study was conducted at the Neuropaediatric Department of the University Hospital Sisters of Mercy, which showed that 29 out of 226 children staying on the ward developed a second unprovoked epileptic seizure. Broad diagnostic procedures were preformed after the first and second seizures. 25 children were diagnosed with epilepsy or epileptic syndrome; the appropriate antiepileptic therapy was provided, and the disease itself followed up and controlled regularly.Keywords: EPILEPSY – diagnosis, drug therapy; SEIZURES – therapy, diagnosis, drug therapy; CHILD, HOSPITALIZED
Category: Clinical observations - professional paper
Volume: Vol. 53, No 3, july - september 2009
Authors: Lj. Cvitanović Šojat, M. Kukuruzović, R. Gjergja Juraški, I. Lerotić, I. Bilonić - Ćović, M. Malenica, T. Šojat, M. Vugrinec
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