Advantages of functional stabilization of buckle distal radius fractures in children with semi-rigid and rigid synthetic material

A study of the possible advantages of the use of synthetic material for functional stabilization of buckle distal radius fractures in children was undertaken in our hospital. Our aim was to test some of the characteristics of synthetic material and to compare them with the characteristics of plaster of Paris (PoP). A total of 58 children were included in this study, 23 of them were treated with PoP, and 35 of them were treated with synthetic material. The patients were checked during the first follow-up, that is on the fourth day after the injury and once again after the removal of immobilization, that is on the twenty-first post-injury day. This check-up confirmed some advantages of the use of synthetic material in the treatment of buckle distal radius fractures in children. This material provides children with more comfort and independence in their daily activities. Also, there are obvious advantages for parents, considering their time and availability.
Keywords: RADIUS FRACTURES – therapy; IMMOBILIZATION – methods
Category: Clinical observations - professional paper
Volume: Vol. 53, No 1, january - march 2009
Authors: M. Leko, R. Ivelj, I. Bumči, M. Škalic, G. Roić, B. Župančić
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