XXVI Hrvatska proljetna pediatrijska škola
Split, 20. - 24. travnja 2009. godineStručni voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Vjekoslav Krželj Škola je namijenjena pedijatrima, liječnicima školske, opće i obiteljske medicine, te medicinskim sestrama.
Kroz protekle 24 godine Škola je stekla zavidnu reputaciju kao prijeko potreban vid stručnog usavršavanja nužnog za samostalni rad na poslovima zdravstvene zaštite djece. Hrvatska liječnička komora dodjeljuje 20 bodova za predavače i 15 bodova za ostale sudionike.
Prošlogodišnji seminar je bio bodovan i za medicinske sestre prema pravilniku Hrvatske komore medicinskih sestara.
Leiden, The Netherlands
September 23th – 25th, 2009
Central theme of the congress:
1. The vulnerabile infant, child, adolescent and its access to care and education Health problems in the premature born child or adolescent
The chronically ill/disabled child/adolescent
Children in special education
Underweight and eating disorders, overweight, obesity and related behavior Other related topics
2. The unprivileged infant, child, adolescent and its access to care and education
Growing up in low socio-economic conditions
Ethnic and cultural minorities
Growing up in broken families and few families (adoptive child, homosexual parents)
Oral health of the unprivileged child
Other related topics
3. The child and adolescent with behavioral/mental health problems and its access to care and education
Educational problems in childhood
Behavioral and psychiatric problems in childhood and adolescence
Other related topics
4. Infectious diseases in childhood and adolescence
Newly emerging infectious diseases and vaccinations in childhood and adolescence
Strategies for the prophlaxis of infectious diseases in preschool, shool and university settings
Vaccination strategies and vaccination coverage
Other related topics
5. Transition issues in childhood and adolescence
School entrance
Transition from primary to secondary school, and from secondary school to higher education/work
Fertility and delayed fertility in adolescents/students
Sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases
Teen pregnancy and contraception
Other related topics
6. Policy issues in Youth Health Care
Organization of preschool, school and student health care
Strategies guaranteeing equal acces to care and education
Multidisciplinary approaches in preschool, scholl and student health care
The effectiveness of preventive programs in preschool, school and student health care
Strategies for continuity of care, collaboration, networking
Other related topics
7. Strategies for research in Youth Health Care
The role of Youth Health Care in longitudinal studies
Electronic registration and electronic records
Professional consensus versus scientific evidence
Development of guidelines
Other related topics
8. New developments in preschool, school and student health care
9. Training of professionals in Youth Health Care
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 31, 2009. Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 30, 2009.
For instruction on abstract submission, see on www.eusuhm2009.org.
Ključne riječi:
Kategorija: Društvene vijesti
Broj: Vol. 52, No 4, listopad - prosinac 2008
Autori: Klinika za dječje bolesti
Referenca rada: