Proslava 50. Godišnjice časopisa Paediatria Croatica

Za nama je pola stoljeća otkako je izašao prvi broj časopisa Bilten.
Njegova urednica, doc. Dr. F e đ a F i s c h e r S a r t o r i u s, teško je mogla i slutiti da će se iz te skromne knjižice otipkane na pisaćem stroju razviti časopis s više od 50 godina kontinuiteta u informiranju i povezivanju stručnjaka iz područja zdravstvene zaštite majke i djeteta te prezentiranju njihovih znanstvenih i stručnih misli. U časopis Bilten, zatim Arhiv za zaštitu majke i djeteta te naposlijetku Paediatria Croatica, utkana je kreativnost i požrtvovnost njegovih glavnih urednika (doc. Dr. F e đ a F i s c h e r S a r t o r i u s , prof. Dr. Sc. K a r l o P a n s i n i , prof. Dr. Sc. V l a d i m i r K o l b a s , prim. Dr. Sc. R e n a t a L o k a r K o l b a s), a za današ nji oblik, nastavljajući njihovim smjernicama, no pridonoseći i vlastitim suvremenim i dalekovidnim idejama, zasluž na je i njegova sadašnja urednica, prof. Dr. Sc. I n g e b o r g B a r i š i ć . Tiskan kvalitetnim tiskom, uz privlačnu naslovnicu, dostupan u eletroničkom i pisanom obliku te indeksiran u najvećoj europskoj bibiliografskoj bazi podataka EMBASE/Excerpta Medica (Elsevier), časopis ne skriva ambicije da se u buduć nosti prezentira rastućem broju stručnjaka i znanstvenika. Stoga, svi koji su ne samo sudjelovali u njegovom nastajanju i rastu, već i koji su sami na mnogobrojnim stranicama naišli na pomoć u vlastitom profesionalnom usavršavanju, 18. prosinca 2006. imali su razloga doći do Liječničkog doma u Šubićevoj, prisjetiti se časopisa i ljudi koji su ga stvarali.
Uvodna riječ pripala je prim. Dr. I v a - n u F a t t o r i n i j u , dugogodišnjem ravnatelju Klinike za dječje bolesti Zagreb, pod čijim je krovom časopis djelovao od svojih začetaka. Ta činjenica nije ni neobič na s obzirom na to da i dječja bolnica i Paediatria Croatica imaju sličan cilj – multidisciplinaran i timski pristup u zdravstvenoj zaštiti pedijatrijske populacije.
Ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i športa, prof. Dr. Sc. D r a g a n P r i m o - r a c , u svom se izlaganju osvrnuo na povijest časopisa. Istaknuvši značenje postojanja specijaliziranog pedijatrijskog časopisa u Hrvatskoj, Ministar je potaknuo uredništvo na dodatne napore kako bi časopis bio citiran u najznačajnijim bibliografskim bazama te obećao nastavak novčane i druge potpore od strane Ministarstva, nužne za opstanak i daljnji razvoj našeg lista. Prof. Dr. Sc. D u š k o M a r d e š i ć iznio je povijesni pregled časopisa Jugoslavenska pedijatrija iz kojeg je, nakon stapanja s Arhivom za zaštitu majke i djeteta, 1993. rođena Paediatria Croatica pod današnjim imenom, kao službeno glasilo Hrvatskog pedijatrijskog društva, Hrvatskog društva za školski i sveučilišnu medicinu, Hrvatskog društva za dječju kirurgiju i Hrvatskog društva za dječju ortopediju. Slijedio je slikovit prikaz povijesti časopisa sa sjediš tem u današnjoj Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb, koji je predstavila glavna urednica, prof. Dr. Sc. I n g e b o r g B a - r i š i ć . Prof. Dr. Sc. J o s i p G r g u r i ć istaknuo je njegovu ulogu u socijalnoj i preventivnoj zaštiti djece, dok je o važnosti u zdravstvenoj zaštiti školske djece i mladeži govorila prof. Dr. Sc. V e s n a J u r e š a.
Uz predstavljanje jubilarnog broja te u predblagdanskom raspoloženju kojem su pridonjeli i raspjevani mališani dječjeg zbora „Mala Dubrava“ te domjenak i čašu vina, svi oni kojima je u posljednjih 50 godina Paediatria Croatica nešto značila od srca su joj nazdravili. I što drugo poželjeti projektu koji svakom godinom svoga postojanja postaje sve veći i kvalitetniji, nego – neka nam živi i razvija se još barem toliko godina!
Višnja Tokić, dr. Med.

Vienna 25-27 June 2006.

Vienna 25-27 June 2006. The conference highlighted available evidence as regards both the size, nature and impact of injury in Europe and the availability of simple and cost-effective solutions. The statistics confirm that the injury issue is still a large problem and burden for European society, but we have learned over the past decades that focused actions, such as have been taken over the past decades in relation to the area of traffic safety and work safety, can save many lives, public money and human suffering. Similar focused actions are needed in other priority areas The policy initiatives taken by the European Commission and World Health Organization-Office of the European Region, highlighting injury prevention as a major health priority for the coming years, provide a strong impetus for actions in view of reinforced safety promotion planning and actions within countries in Europe. Current available resources, infrastructures and networks, although fragmented and sparsely funded as they are, need to be realigned towards the common objective of creating a safer Europe. The public health sector needs to facilitate intersectoral exchange and collaboration by applying public health values and approaches and by strengthening systems through integration and network building. It needs to provide leadership by identifying priority issues to respond to and cost-effective good practices to address them and by facilitating joint national planning and action. This requires enhanced advocacy and communication efforts under the leadership of European bodies, including EuroSafe, and their partner organizations in the member states. The conference delegates identified a great number of actions to be developed with regards to the various specific areas of concern, such as injury data collection and reporting, sharing and dissemination of good practices, and specific safety themes, such as child safety, adolescent risk taking, interpersonal violence, consumer safety, and safety for seniors. These suggestions and recommendations for actions will be considered by the respective task forces and programmes within the EuroSafe organization, in partnership with EC and WHO-Euro. As regards the role of international organizations, such as EC, WHO and Euro- Safe in supporting regional, national and local actions on injury prevention, the conference delegates recommends the following actions in particular:
1. Strategy and national planning
a. Continue to have policy directions and priorities as defined by EC, WHO and EuroSafe, being in line with each other;
b. Help governments to implement the commitments made in recom- mendations and resolutions (including the commitment to develop and implement national action plans) by providing guidance and support;
c. Make countries’ progress and bottlenecks transparent by requiring annual national progress reports, that provide the input for annual European progress reports;
2. Enhanced injury data and good practice information
a. Work to have more up to date and more comprehensive injury data (including data on disabilities) available, that is specific enough as regards risk group and risk factors and encompasses all countries in the region;
b. Ensure proper injury data clearance at European level and public assess to these data. Have a center for analysis and advocacy being established in each of the countries as well as a European level;
c. Coordinate the access to and dissemination of good practices as well as the tools and intervention methods that are promising in prevention;
d. Increase the knowledge of cost-effectiveness of cost efficiency of safety measures in order to allow resources to be allocated where the greatest gains can be achieved; e. Report regularly to stakeholders and media on injury risks identified through national injury reporting and European data exchange and on solutions that work, and incite them into actions related to these risks;
3. Development and research a. Promote joint explorative studies (mapping exercises) into areas of interest that are relative new for the injury field: try to define the role of public health in preventing violence or in preventing suicide and self harm;
b. Improve the methodologies for identifying and recording good practices for safety practitioners; ensure a more consistent documentation and sharing of these good practices;
c. Help to develop tool kits for practitioners in countries in view of assisting them in proper documentation of prevention measures, their selection, implementation and outcomes;
d. Provide a forum of debate between researchers, practitioners and policy makers in view of aligning their research activities towards the common objectives with respect to creating a safer Europe.
4. Action and capacity building a. Promote coalition building efforts within countries by providing guidance to these processes based on previous experiences and good practices;
b. Assists in national capacity building through the promotion of Teach-VIP and the introduction of training and mentoring programmes at national level;
c. Facilitate the creation of European wide networks that are dedicated to one of the priority themes identified by EC and WHO and that serve roles analogous to Euro- Safe’s European Child Safety Alliance.
The conference delegates expressed their commitment to reinforce national and local actions in the framework of the strategies proposed by European Commission and the World Health Organization. They call upon EC and WHO as well as EuroSafe to provide joint leadership to the process at European level and to ensure proper facilitation and coordination to pan-European exchange and collaboration in view of injury prevention and safety promotion.
Vienna, June 27, 2006
Ključne riječi:
Kategorija: Društvene vijesti
Broj: Vol. 42, No 2, travanj - lipanj 1998
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