New Trends in Diagnosis and Monitoring using POC Instruments

19-20 October, 2013 – Dubrovnik

All information are available at

The role of POCT in modern medicine
POCT net in hospital
POCT in critical care units in the hospital
QC net in hospital’s POCT
POCT in diagnosing and monitoring of DM
POCT in celiac disease
POCT blood gases
POCT coagulation
POCT cardiac marker
POCT urine drug-of abuse
Self monitoring by POCT
External quality control of POCT instruments
Quality indicators of POCT
Benefi ts and disadvantages of POCT. Does POCT really improve?
Evaluation and selection of POCT devices
Pre- and post- analytical errors in POCT: value of POCT

Povjerenstvo za medicinsku izobrazbu liječnika HLK kategoriziralo je i vrednovalo stručni skup sa 20 bodova za aktivno sudjelovanje, a 15 za pasivno sudjelovanje.
Ključne riječi:
Kategorija: Društvene vijesti
Broj: Vol. 57, No 2, travanj - lipanj 2013
Autori: 1
Referenca rada: Paediatr Croat. 2013;57:201