Detection of defective colour vision, diagnostic methods and diagnostic tests
To diagnose dyschromatopsy we have several diagnostic methods and tests at our disposal. The difference between the diagnostic methods and tests improves the detection of dyschromatopsy by the choice of the right tests, as well as modus operandi and the exact interpretation of the results for each aspect of dyschromatopsy. We obtain new answers for the existing descrepancies in opinion within the accepted practice. Nowadays it is accepted that the quality and quantity of colour sight must be measured with the same (exact) precision and the same repetition as is used in vision testing. The practice of clinical hospitals is far from the use of the new diagnosis and that is why the testing of colour sight is also insufficient. The diagnostic benefits of testing the disturbance of colour vision are rarely understood correctly because of the few ophthalmologists who deal with this particular problem. If the indications are correctly disposed we also have to think about the possibilities of the methods and tests used. As well as the four diagnostics methods for dyschromatopsy research such as denomination, comparison, discrimination and egalisation, there are also three different kinds of diagnostics tests subdivided into two groups of pigment and spectrum tests. Colour equipment is the result of the diagnostic methods and tests already mentioned and is modified for the exact diagnosis of each particular dyschromatopsy and age of the patient. In Croatia there are just a few ophthalmologists who deal with or who used to deal with research into colour vision and it is very important to mention them: M. P e i ć, M. S e b a s t i j a n, B. C v e t n i ć, L. L e d i ć, I. L u t t e n b e r g e r, B. V o j n i k o v i ć, V. D o r n, V. D u g a č k i, Z. M a n d i ć, B. C e r o v s k i, M. Z e n e b e, M. Đ u r i ć a n d N. K o v a č – Đ a p i ć (13).Keywords:
Category: Review
Volume: Vol. 48, No 2, april - june 2004
Authors: V. Rogošić, M. Ivanišević, L. Bojić, K. Karaman, V. Lakoš-Krželj, M. Titlić, B. Cvetnić, M. Lešin, D. Mendeš, V. Višić
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