The role of national registry in the care of children suff ering from chronic infl ammatory bowel disease

Unlike adults, infl ammatory bowel disease in children is marked by more extensive and severe course, aff ecting their future growth and development. In general, there is an increasing trend in the incidence of chronic infl ammatory bowel disease, mostly on the account of Crohn’s disease. Taking all these into consideration, but also the fact that infl ammatory bowel disease in children occurs in a period of rapid growth and development, all pediatric patients require long-term monitoring, which is only possible through national registry. In this review, we discuss the role of national registries, their aims and methods to achieve established goals, with special reference to the importance of establishing such a registry in Croatia.
Keywords: infl ammatory bowel diseases; registries; child; Croatia
Category: Review
Volume: Vol. 59, No 3, july - september 2015
Authors: L. Ivković, I. Hojsak, T. Trbojević, S. Kolaček
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2015;59:173-80

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