Relationship between breastfeeding self-effi cacy and breastfeeding diffi culties during maternity hospital stay

The aim was to examine the incidence of breastfeeding diffi culties and the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the maternity hospital and their relationship with breastfeeding self-effi cacy. The study included a cohort sample of 772 women who gave birth at Clinical Hospital „Sv. Duh“, Croatia, between November 2010 and January 2011. In-hospital breastfeeding mothers completed a questionnaire that included selected demographic data, breastfeeding diffi culties during the fi rst 48 hours after birth, and the Breastfeeding Self-Effi cacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF). Data on newborn feeding were collected from medical records. The chi-square test, Mann- Whitney test and Spearman correlation coeffi cient were used on statistical analysis. Breastfeeding diffi culties were reported by 450 (58.3%) mothers. The BSES-SF scores were signifi cantly correlated to the number of breastfeeding diffi culties (rS=-0.33, p<0.001). Mothers with low breastfeeding self-effi cacy often reported breastfeeding diffi culties (64.4% vs. 36.5%, p<0.001) and were signifi - cantly more likely to breastfeed partially as compared to mothers with high breastfeeding self-effi cacy (69.5% vs. 30.5%, p<0.001). Diffi culties with breastfeeding technique, sore and cracked nipples, engorgement and perceived insuffi cient milk supply were more often reported by mothers with low breastfeeding self-effi cacy as compared to mothers with high breastfeeding self-effi cacy. Results indicated that the mothers with low breastfeeding self-effi cacy had an increased risk of experiencing breastfeeding diffi culties and cessation of exclusive breastfeeding during the maternity hospital stay. This study provides further support that breastfeeding selfeffi cacy signifi cantly infl uences early breastfeeding outcomes.

Keywords: breast feeding; self effi cacy; mothers; infant, newborn
Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 58, No 2, april - june 2014
Authors: Anita Pavičić Bošnjak, Milan Stanojević, Edgar Glavaš
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2014;58:88-94

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